Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Writer's Purgatory

My screenplay has now gone through three reviews from three reviewers.

The First Reviewer was recommended to me by Budget Guy - for the low, low fee of $100. 

When the comments were e-mailed back to me, the first line of the review was a 3-column header.  The first column was a check-box and the comment "RECOMMEND;" the second column, a check-box and the comment "CONSIDER;" and the third column, a check-box and the comment "PASS."  Guess which one my screenplay got?  PASS

I haven't mustered the courage to get past this and read the review comments.

The Second Reviewer was The Director's personal assistant.  We had a telconference, she speaking and me transcribing her comments on my laptop.

She was very kind.  She liked my story!  And she had some very constructive comments.

The Third Reviewer was recommended to me by Raven.  She told me this reviewer was a personal friend and reviewed all her books (yes, Raven is a published author as well!)  Tough, but good.  And pricey!

Raven was right.  He is tough.  I guess.  I haven't read his review either. Hubby did.  Sister did.  They both reported back to me with kind and encouraging words.

Must do so, and soon.  Must read all review comments and incorporate.

But it is difficult to do so.

In the South there is an expression: "You need to lick your calf again."  It is a beautiful and perfect allegory of what I am going through. 

To you non-Southerners, I will explain:  when a calf is born to its mother, the calf is the most beautiful thing the mother has ever seen.  She licks and licks and licks her calf until it is sparkling clean and perfect.

I need to lick my calf again.

1 comment:

  1. Sister says: Yes, the comments were tough but fair. Many of the comments were things we had discussed before. What impressed me the most about the feedback was no one suggested MAJOR changes in the script. Pretty much all the comments were directed toward building on the existing storyline and characters. As the only one in a large family who knows about Stubborn, let me just say, Boy! Do I feel special!
