No excuses, faithful reader. I have been remiss. No update for last Sunday as usual.
We've returned from a visit to my folks' house in Tennessee. Surreptitiously, and also quite sneakily we visited my grandmother's house to film a scene for Stubborn. It's my intention to have her farmhouse to be a part of the actual movie. It is perfect.
The reason being for the film shoot, even though we are not filmmakers in any sense of the word, according to my ever-fee-exacting lawyer we need to have at least one scene filmed prior to the end of this year so we can be 'grandfathered' in to a very attractive investment opportunity for - duh - potential investors.
So here it is - in its uncut status. There are several mini-scenes that need to be cut and pasted into one final scene. When I get the scene doctored I will present it to you, faithful reader.
Thank you Steve Jobs! For having the film editing application installed on my little MacBook at no charge.
And thank you, Steve Jobs. You knew you could not fail.
More, please!