Soooo, faithful reader, I got to work with a vengeance today on taking several short movie clips and turning them into a scene, Act I, Scene I, for Stubborn. Five minutes into the iMovie program I wanted to rip my eyeballs right out of their sockets. User friendly? Not hardly. Intuitive? Not on this planet. Confirms my suspicion that Steve Jobs was an intermediary for an alien intelligence. iMovie probably makes perfect sense on whatever planet these ET's inhabit.
Going online, I downloaded the user's manual for iMovie and then printed it. Forty-six pages of absolutely nothing useful. Not easily deterred, I got on the Apple website and discovered there was a free workshop today at 4:00 for iMovie at a nearby Mac store! Hurrah! ...or so I thought.
You get what you pay for. I paid nothing and that is what I gleaned from the workshop. Oh, waitaminute, I learned that the iMovie 08 software loaded on my little MacBook is as useless as tits on a boar hog and to do the scene correctly I really, rilly need the iMovie11 software. Which comes with a hefty price. Joy!
What a zoo that store was. Tomorrow the new iPhone can be purchased and - cripes! - I don't know what all those hordes of people hoped to glean by milling around in the store a day early. Neither did they. But they were there, sure enough, just like flies on a mule turd on a hot summer's day.
At 4:00 the workshop started, with me and another bewildered iMovie-er. At 4:15 two other goobers showed up, a guy and his wife. The instructor felt he needed to start over. So a one-hour class is going to be shortened by nearly half because the latecomer morons do not know how to tell time.
This ever happen to you? You get in a class with other people and someone invariably needs to show the other attendees just how damn smart he is, in fact, way smarter than the instructor. And if you don't believe him, just ask! The latecomer goober felt it was his duty in life to stand over my shoulder and tell me just how silly and inept I was for not knowing how iMovie worked. While his wife snickered at me.
Kept telling myself: Be Good. Be Good or Be Gone. I opted for the latter.
You get what you pay for.
And another axiom (courtesy of me): If it was easy to get a screenplay turned into a movie, everyone would be at the Academy Awards.
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